Ok, so it's probably more like 3.56789, but who cares at this point? It's pretty much just me here. If anyone actually reads this, cool, but I'm not expecting anyone to. I just felt the urge to blog today.

I thought about scrapping the previous posts and starting over yet again, but I decided not to bc those posts are pretty good. They also show how long I've been struggling with this issue of getting back into my writing just for fun.

Speaking of which, I decided my word for 2025 is going to be (EN)JOY. I'm tired of focusing on what I need to fix in my life. Still gonna try to fix things like my health, but when it comes to my writing, reading, and anything involving fun, I really want to focus on actually enjoying them rather than worrying about keeping track of them. Like who cares how many books I read this year or when or how long I did a writing session or wtf ever. I just want to enjoy the moments while I'm in them. That's it.

So, remember that Writer Reset workbook I reprinted? Yeah, I did that twice actually. I filled it out in that big-ass notebook I got from Jaime, but I haven't even used that notebook all that much since I set it up. It's heavy and bulky and I'm trying to figure out a different way I could use it. It's just not gonna work as a writing notebook. I have another copy of the workbook in an A5 binder that I had also set up for writing, and at some point I might fill it out there. That binder is becoming more of a reference binder for workbooks like that and the Series Bible Checklist that also came from Heart Breathings. (See previous posts for links.)

I was originally going to set it up for MD, but I decided to revisit one of my old TNs instead, and it has made a much better on-the-go writing notebook. It's currently set up as follows:

1. A "creative journal," which is really just random stuff--ideas for character names, factoids and tidbits that might be useful in a story, writing prompts, quotes and tips from authors, random non-MD story ideas, etc.

2. My WIP journal, which is all MD notes.

3. A character/moodboard journal, which I plan to fill up with printed pics and use like an analog Pinterest board. Having Pinterest on my phone isn't working bc the phone itself is too damn distracting.

4. A portable storyboard made of a large piece of paper and sticky notes, folded and stored in a plastic sleeve. It works for now, but it's kinda awkward, so I'm thinking of ways I could improve on it.

5. A slightly bigger notebook that tucks in alongside the storyboard, which I haven't used yet but plan to use for writing scenes if I'm out and about or just don't feel like sitting at the computer to write.

Now, as for actual writing, I have done a little bit here and there. I started a new draft just a couple of months ago. Before that, back in July, I created that storyboard that's now been shrunk down and put in my TN. It was originally on the wall in my bedroom, but I decided I wanted to be able to carry it around. Again, Sarra Cannon gave me the inspo to make it portable. She is so damn cool.

But I haven't touched the draft in awhile, and other than setting up the TN, I haven't done much writing-related stuff. Can't help but feel a little aggravated by that. However, I'm learning to be okay with it. I have to remind myself that when it comes to my writing, the only one I have to please is myself.

And maybe Jaime a little since she'll be reading it! But she is not pressuring me to get anything done. She just wants to read it bc she's my bestie. Which is awesome.

This year, NaNoWriMo as an organization fucked up big time, so many people decided to separate themselves from it and do their own writing challenges. Sarra Cannon was one of them. She created the Rough Draft Challenge, which was so cool. Her husband designed a website where you had the option to track your progress (which I of course sucked at lol). The best part was the number you put in for your goal did not have to represent word count. It could mean anything you wanted. So I tried a goal of 30 at first--one writing-related thing every day for the 30 days. I went and changed it to 20 at some point, but even then that didn't work. Like I said, I suck at tracking. However, Sarra was gracious enough to still offer certificates and stuff just for participating in the challenge at all. I love her for that! I also love that she created tiers for the people who were tracking word counts as well as a "diamond" tier for people who wanted to track things their own way (like me!).

I'm kind of toying with the idea of restarting my YouTube channel. It would be kind of cool to make videos once in awhile. But idk. I'll really have to think about it. I'd like to make videos about writing for fun instead of profit. I don't think there are many, if any, channels that talk about that. But as crazy as the internet has become, I'm not sure if I want to put myself out there like that again. It's the same reason I quit pursuing publishing--too much pressure, too much negativity. My brain can't handle it.

Which is why I'm glad this blog is the way it is right now. Not popular. Only one follower, my bestie. I don't think I want to have any more than that. If I do get more along the way, cool, but I just don't want the hassle of negative comments or crap like that.

I guess that's it for now. As always, I'm going to try to come back here more often, but I'm not promising anything. No pressure. Just writing when I feel like it. Bye for now.


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